COVID-19 Communique No.31

9th  August 2021

Welcome to the 31st communique regarding Knoxbrooke’s response to COVID-19 coronavirus.

Knoxbrooke’s COVID-19 Taskforce continues to monitor events locally and globally and considers all new Federal, State and Local Government announcements. The health and safety of the people we support and our team is front of mind when undertaking such reviews.

Knoxbrooke’s COVID-19 Taskforce meets as required and today following the Premier Daniel Andrew’s announcement that the lockdown will lift this evening at 11.59pm for Regional Victoria. Metro Melbourne will continue its lockdown as planned.

Below is the status of all Knoxbrooke services after incorporating the latest Victorian Government COVID-19 advice.

365 in-home support

365 in-home support is exempt and continues to be available with more robust DHHS guidelines for disability services already in place.

Should you wish to discuss using the 365 support service, please contact Paul McDonald, 365 Services Coordinator on 0499 501 008 or email


Achieve continues but will be delivered through an online format. The Achieve team will be in contact regarding the alternative arrangements.

Should you wish to discuss Achieve changes, please contact Michael Beavis, Achieve Team Leader on 0475 300 505 or email

Yarra View Garden Centre

Closed until lock-down expires. Click and collect will be available.

Yarra View Nursery & Bushland Flora

Primary production is exempt and continues to operate within COVIDsafe guidelines. Masks must be worn and QR check-in is in place and mandatory. Any employees who would prefer to take annual leave during this shut-down period, this is available to you.

Knoxbrooke Outsource

Manufacturing is exempt and continues to operate within COVIDsafe guidelines. Masks must be worn and QR check-in is in place and mandatory Any employees who would prefer to take annual leave during this shut-down period, this is available to you.

Ringwood Hub

Closed until lock-down expires. The main line (03) 9758-3666 will be attended to remotely.

Mawarra Day Services

Day service support continues to be available with more robust DHHS guidelines for disability services already in place. Masks must be worn and QR check-in is in place and mandatory

Jigsaw Industries

Manufacturing continues to operate within COVIDsafe guidelines. Masks must be worn and QR check-in is in place and mandatory Any employees who would prefer to take annual leave during this shut-down period, this is available to you.

Waratah Gardening

Primary production continues to operate within COVIDsafe guidelines. Masks must be worn and QR check-in is in place and mandatory. Any employees who would prefer to take annual leave during this shut-down period, this is available to you.

Mawarra Op Shop and Sorting Centre

Will re-open on the 10th August  2021 under COVIDsafe guidelines. Masks must be worn and QR check-in is in place and mandatory.

Knoxbrooke COVID-19 Preparedness

Knoxbrooke has in place a well-prepared COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan. The Emergency Response Plan has been tested on three occasions through different simulations. We have well-drilled protocols in place to ensure the safety of clients, families, carers and team members. WorkSafe attended two Knoxbrooke premises and inspected our COVID-safe plan and was satisfied Knoxbrooke was taking appropriate safety measures. Regardless the COVID-safe plans will be reviewed and updated accordingly.

COVID-19 safety measures

Given the numbers of COVID-19 cases, please be sure to follow the DHHS advice below:

  • Stay at home and get tested if you have symptoms of COVID-19, however mild
  • Practise good hygiene, wash your hands and cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow
  • Observe social distancing by maintaining at least 1.5m from anyone you don’t live with

(Please refer to for further information)

If a client or team member does have symptoms and gets tested for COVID-19 and is awaiting a result, please remember to advise Knoxbrooke via email (

Please re-contact Knoxbrooke once you have a result, positive or negative. For everyone’s safety, it is critical that you regularly communicate any cases of suspected or actual COVID-19.

To date, Knoxbrooke has not had a positive COVID-19 case and the COVID-19 taskforce is well-prepared to respond should this occur.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kristian Dauncey

Group CEO