School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)
Flexible approach to working towards employability.
Always working towards building capacity.
Opportunities to explore personal and social interests.
An ever growing, evolving service.
Built by young adults, for young adults.
What is our School Leaver Service?
- A tailored SLES option for young adults.
- Working towards employment goals.
- Outcome-oriented and goal driven.
- Flexible to suit the needs of the person.
- Tailored skills leading to real world outcomes.
- Learning activities, training and experiences.
A personal and tailored journey
- Own stories, goals and vision for growth beyond secondary school.
- A focus on Open Employment
- A focus on Support Employment
- A focus on Further training
- A focus on Volunteering opportunities
- A focus on Independent living
Learn skills that are relevant to you!
- 18 unique industry specific elective modules on offer.
- Choose up to 12 elective modules throughout the year.
- Professionally developed by a qualified and experienced team.
- Hands-on and applicable.
- Delivering industry specific skills.
- Focusing on hard and soft skills.
- Embedded with traditional core skills such as numeracy, literacy, travel training, WHS and many more.
Utilizes SLES Funding (NDIS Plan)
Encourage Disability Support Pension (Centrelink)
Myki Card is essential.
Out-of-pocket costs for activities:
– Entrances fees
– Cost of tickets
– Booking expenses
– Running costs
– External services
Out of pocket costs are invoiced to clients at the end of each month.
Estimated costs for each elective are provided.
A week with us
Monday to Wednesday
Capacity building at our own personalised space in Bayswater
Accessing community partners to support capacity building.
Engage with a team dedicated to furthering your individual employment pathway.
Thursday and Friday
Engage in meaningful employment.
Access social and recreational activities.
Participate and grow by joining additional capacity building options.
Achieve by Knoxbrooke
Customized option for young adults of school leaver age.
Operating from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday to Wednesday.
Additional capacity building options available on Thursday and Friday.
Operating from dedicated Bayswater site.
Working with community partners such as:
- Community Gardens
- Animal Rescue
- Councils
- Australian Disability Enterprises